I want to be wearing all of this RIGHT NOW.

All photos stolen from various blogs and look books. Too many to keep track of.

This spring, I don't have one trend I want to follow, I have many. My mind is so full of an eclectic mix of wants and needs, that I plan on rocking them all. Prints, Solids, Ruffles, Menswear...the whole nine yards. Now, if only the weather would allow me to do so...




I decided to take a page out of Audrey Hepburn's book today. Thought a little black dress would go well against the white curtain of snow that just fell on Ohio. Also, some jewels never hurt to brighten up a dreary day. New sunglasses as well :)

Dress- Thrifted, no tags; Sweater- Target; Thigh-high stockings- TJ Maxx; Flat Boots- Steve Madden; Pilot's Faux Leather Jacket- Target; Crystal Necklace- Target

Clip-on Crystal Earrings- Vintage; Cat Eye Sunglasses- Target 

I am beginning to think that maybe I shop at Target too much. It's gotten so bad that when my best friend and I are bored, we go to Target. They should start giving us a "second-home" discount or something.


Happy Monday.

Maybe make it as fierce as my face in this picture? :)

Jewel necklace- Target; Tank Top- Borrowed from a friend; Velvet Blazer- The Gap

Hope everyone is having a good start to their week!


Teddy Bear Massacre.

Living in a college town, I attend a handful of themed parties every year. This weekend, my friend Roxanne and her housemates threw an ABC party. Anything But Clothes. I was tormented by the thought of putting on a trash bag and expecting to survive the night without a wardrobe malfunction. But what else? Teddy Bears. It came to me in a dream, literally. A dream where my best friend told me to wear my faux-fur jacket that she refers to as my "teddy bear jacket" because it looks as though it was made out of stuffed animals. And I woke up and there it was, staring me in the face. Make a romper out of teddy bears. Here's the final product.

It took about 7 hours, 5 teddy bears in varying sizes, and some creativity, but I finished it. Really proud of the hood made out of a teddy bear head. Now, I have enough stuffing to make a million pillows. DIY love <3




Lately, I have been really into the idea of picking the brains of the geniuses who went before us. Especially those of the fashion industry. It's amazing how much talent was possessed by some of the people who lead the way in the Fashion world, as well as some who continue to change the game. I recently watched the documentary on Yves Saint Laurent. Man oh man, it was long, but worth it.  It's a fascinating account of his life and success as told by friends, the designer himself, and family (all in french with subtitles, mind you). So cool. I sent the Karl Lagerfeld documentary straight to the queue on Netflix and not-so-patiently await it's arrival. This man (my man, Karl) is the epitome of genius. I went through archives of his stuff, it doesn't get better than him.

Example A.

(all photos taken from The Cherry Blossom Girl)

He is always so relevant. Viva la Lagerfeld!




I realize that in all this time of having this blog I have not yet once utilized or expanded upon what great-looking friends I have. So here is my best summary of all of it: The friends, the travels, and the love.



There are a select few blogs that I am adamant about checking daily. Among them is one that inspires me completely, Confessions of a Female Drag Queen. And there is nothing DRAG about this blog either. I mean, besides the pictures of blogger Stella in drag...female drag, which is just brilliant. From her quirky, adorable, yet highly intelligent outfits, to her respectable attempts at making hats and succeeding, I count this as a top Must Read blog. This is just a taste of why...

 I adore that there are women out there like this, with impeccable personal style. I am so inspired.
